Monthly News and Updates from IdahoSTARS


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Seven young children wearing backpacks standing in a school hallway with arms linked.

As part of licensing and ICCP requirements, child care providers have been asked to regularly practice certain drills.

Young girl with brimmed hat sitting outside with her parents.

It's great to spend time outdoors in the summer, but remember to protect against the sun's rays! Everyone is at risk for sunburn. Children especially need to be protected, since most sun damage occurs in childhood. Like other burns, sunburn will leave the skin red, warm, and painful. In severe cases, it may cause blistering, fever, chills, headache, and a general feeling of illness. The American Academy of Pediatrics offers these tips to keep children safe in the sun.

Child care provider helping a young child attach pieces together.

May is Mental Health Month! Infant mental health refers to how well a child develops socially and emotionally from birth to age 3. Understanding infant mental health is the key to preventing and treating the mental health problems of very young children and their families. It also helps guide the development of healthy social and emotional behaviors.