Monthly News and Updates from IdahoSTARS


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Únase a una cohorte de CDA, complete el portafolio de CDA, y obtenga 120 horas de capacitación de CDA antes del 15 de junio de 2022. ¡Si es elegible, podría ganar $500! Solicite incentivos en RISE a partir del 1 de octubre. Si es elegible, puede ganar hasta $ 1,000/individuo. Gane $500 al completar una cohorte CDA, y $ 500 por enviar o tener un certificado actual de CDA, en RISE.

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Join a CDA Cohort and complete the CDA 120-hour portfolio between July 1st, 2021 and June 15th, 2022. If eligible you could earn $500!

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One of the most important components of infant brain growth and development is sleep! Read more about safe sleep practices, developmental differences in sleep, and creating a positive sleep environment for children.

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IdahoSTARS and Boise State University are partnering to offer an exciting degree scholarship opportunity! The priority deadline for applications is June 15!

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The Center on Disabilities and Human Development has developed a great resource for young families dealing with the stress of the pandemic, the Act Early Idaho COVID-19 Resiliency Toolkit. There are multiple resources for both parents and children on everything from child development to stress management.

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Kindergarten Registration has begun across Idaho. You can help remind families and pass along these excellent resources from Lee Pesky Learning Center to help prepare their child for the school days ahead!

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Do you have the skills and education to help Idaho’s Early Childhood Workforce gain professional recognition through obtaining a Child Development Associates (CDA) Credential? If you have an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field and a passion for professionalizing the early education field, you might have everything you need to observe and verify CDA candidates though the Council.


Learn about how to change your facility's environment and activities to include all children with diverse needs and abilities.

December 5th
Time: 9-11 am PT / 10-12 pm MT
Cost: Free (You must register by Dec 3rd.)

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We’re living through unprecedented and challenging times and it’s more important than ever to practice gratitude. Teaching and practicing gratitude in children at a young age can help them grow up to be happier adults. Read more about strategies that can help inspire gratitude.