Monthly News and Updates from IdahoSTARS


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For the last 20 years, IdahoSTARS has been supporting the quality of child care providers across the state. In fact, it is our number one Project goal. One of the ways we achieve this is through our academic scholarship program.

We’ve listened to you and updated the IdahoSTARS Badge System to meet the needs of Idaho’s child care and early education professionals!

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Embark with us on a journey in coaching in early childhood education. A coaching experience is like being guided on an adventure to unearth hidden strengths and talents and transform classrooms into havens of creativity, empathy, and effective teaching that captivates young minds.

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We are thrilled to announce the opening of applications for the Idaho Pyramid Collaborative 2024-2025, an initiative to foster excellence in early childhood education and promote social-emotional development in young children.

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Earn IdahoSTARS Badges in 8 Early Childhood Education (ECE) specialty areas and receive a certificate and a $100 financial recognition (for up to two badges). Badges are a recognition of completed professional development that consists of both LEARNING (gaining knowledge of early learning content) and DOING (putting this knowledge into action).

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IdahoSTARS badges recognize your expertise in early childhood education. Earn points through certification, training, Targeted Technical Assistance (TTA), employment history, and/or coaching cycles. Applications will close on June 15th, 2023 and will reopen October 1, 2023.

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The Idaho Pyramid Model Collaborative is taking applications now for this multi year initiative! All participants enrolled in the Steps to Quality program (steps 1 through 5) are eligible. Applications are open January 29th - March 15th.

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Únase a una cohorte de CDA, complete el portafolio de CDA, y obtenga 120 horas de capacitación de CDA antes del 15 de junio de 2022. ¡Si es elegible, podría ganar $500! Solicite incentivos en RISE a partir del 1 de octubre. Si es elegible, puede ganar hasta $ 1,000/individuo. Gane $500 al completar una cohorte CDA, y $ 500 por enviar o tener un certificado actual de CDA, en RISE.