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IdahoSTARS badges recognize your expertise in early childhood education.
Join a CDA Cohort and complete the CDA 120-hour portfolio between July 1st, 2021 and June 15th, 2022. If eligible you could earn $500!
Puede encontrarla en su tablero principal de RISE bajo el botón de Capacitación Anual, o buscarla en nuestro catálogo de capacitación. Esta capacitación sustituye a la de " Ambientes exteriores seguros, apropiados y atractivos". Inicie sesión en RISE y realice el curso cuando tenga tiempo.
IdahoSTARS and Boise State University are partnering to offer an exciting degree scholarship opportunity! The priority deadline for applications is June 15!
Do you have the skills and education to help Idaho’s Early Childhood Workforce gain professional recognition through obtaining a Child Development Associates (CDA) Credential? If you have an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education or a related field and a passion for professionalizing the early education field, you might have everything you need to observe and verify CDA candidates though the Council.
Learn about how to change your facility's environment and activities to include all children with diverse needs and abilities.
December 5th Time: 9-11 am PT / 10-12 pm MT Cost: Free (You must register by Dec 3rd.)
Sharing is Caring: How to share your knowledge of ACES, brain development, and the power of positive experiences.
November 14th 9-11AM PT/10-12 PM MT Register in RISE by November 12th
Lunch Box Mealtime Basics Saturday, September 12th 9-11 AM (PT) 10-12 (MT) **You MUST pre-register to attend**
Safe, Appropriate, and Engaging Outdoor Environments Date: Saturday, August 29th Time: 9-11 AM (PT) 10-12 PM (MT) *You MUST pre-register to attend as there are limited spots available.
Upload your education into RISE by June 30 for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!