
State, District and School teams are aligning and leveraging existing resources related to literacy, data and including practices. The state is establishing Professional development plans to support District and School Implementation.

Idaho’s Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Monitoring System mirrors that of the U.S. Department of Education in the monitoring activities it conducts and the supports provided to Local Education Agencies (LEAs). RDA and support (general supervision) systems serve to improve outcomes for students with disabilities with a focus on improved results, while continuing to assist LEAs in ensuring compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requirements.

RDA Topics

In accordance with section 618 of IDEA 2004 (34 CFR §300.640), the Idaho Department of Education (Department) is responsible for conducting the annual General Supervision File Review (GSFR). This process occurs annually with a focus on LEAs processes and procedures around identification (eligibility) and service delivery (IEPs).

At its core, a general supervision system consists of the mechanisms by which states ensure that students with disabilities are provided free appropriate public education (FAPE) by their local districts or charters. One component of Idaho’s general supervision system is the general supervision file review or GSFR. In accordance with section 618 of IDEA 2004 (34 CFR §300.640), the Idaho Department of Education (Department) is responsible for conducting the annual GSFR. This GSFR module series provides local education agencies (LEAs) with detailed tutorials around the GSFR process including detailed tutorials, timelines and resources.

Debi Smith


Federal Regulations (20 U.S.C. § 1416(a)(3)(C), 34 C.F.R. § 300.600 – 604) require that the Idaho State Department of Education (SDE) carry out monitoring of all local educational agencies (LEAs). The SDE reports on Indicator 11 – Child Find (60-Day Timeline). This indicator documents the percentage of students evaluated and eligibility determined within 60 calendar days of receiving parental consent for initial evaluation. The SDE also reports on Indicator 12 – Early Childhood Transition. This indicator documents the percentage of children referred as potentially eligible by Part C, were found eligible for Part B, and had an IEP developed by their third birthday.

At its core, a general supervision system consists of the mechanisms by which states ensure that students with disabilities are provided free appropriate public education (FAPE) by their local districts or charters. One component of Idaho’s general supervision system is the general supervision file review or GSFR. In accordance with section 618 of IDEA 2004 (34 C.F.R. §300.640), the Idaho State Department of Education (SDE) is responsible for conducting the annual GSFR. This GSFR-Non File module provides local education agencies (LEAs) with a detailed tutorial around the reporting requirements for initial evaluations, specifically, Indicator 11 (60-Day Timeline) and Indicator 12 (Early Childhood Transition), including detailed tutorials, timelines, and resources.

Debi Smith
Alisa Fewkes
Data and Reporting Coordinator


The Idaho State Department of Education (ISDE), Department of Special Education is responsible for the design and implementation of a system of general supervision that monitors the fulfillment of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2007. The activities under the Idaho Special Education Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Monitoring System will continue to monitor local education agencies (LEAs) for compliance. General supervision will also include monitoring LEAs for results, while providing supports to LEAs to meet the requirements of IDEA.

Debi Smith

Submit required Levels of Support documents and assurances here
5 Things to Know about Determinations
RDA Determination and Differentiated Levels of Support Guidance Document

Having significant disproportionality means that students of a particular race/ethnicity are significantly more likely than their other-race peers to be identified as students with disabilities, identified in a particular disability category, placed in a particular educational setting, or suspended/expelled as a disciplinary measure.

The Equity in Special Education: Disproportionality module series is designed to inform and guide local education agencies (LEAs) as they address disproportionality in their school(s).

The module series is used for staff seeking knowledge about significant disproportionality, its impact, and the areas of identification. The module series also covers how significant disproportionality is calculated, requirements when identified, and the tools used to develop Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS).

LEAs and Stakeholders are encouraged to utilize this tool much like a menu, choosing the modules and lessons as they apply to their interests and needs.

Debi Smith

Significant Disproportionality resources are housed on the SDE RDA Monitoring webpage.
Equity in Special Education-Significant Disproportionality
Significant Disproportionality Overview and Information Gathering
Significant Disproportionality Self-Assessments-Identification, Placement, Discipline
CCEIS Plan Narrative

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires each state to develop a state performance plan/annual performance report (SPP/APR) that evaluates the state’s efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of the IDEA and describes how the state will improve its implementation. The SPP/APRs include indicators that measure student and family outcomes and other indicators that measure compliance with the requirements of the IDEA.

For additional information on each indicator visit the Idaho State Department of Education (SDE) Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Monitoring System page. To access the full SPP/APR report or view local education agency performance by indicator, go to the SDE Special Education Public Reporting page.

Alisa Fewkes

Indicator 1: Graduation Self-Assessment Protocol
Indicator 2: Drop Out Self-Assessment Protocol
Indicator 3: Statewide Assessment Participation and Performance Self-Assessment Protocol
Indicator 11: Child Find Self-Assessment Protocol
Indicator 12: Early Childhood Transition Self-Assessment Protocol
Indicator 13: Secondary Transition Self-Assessment Protocol
Correction of Noncompliance 60 Day Timeline and Early Childhood Transition

Under the RDA framework and shift in focus on state accountability, Idaho has developed a multi-year plan to improve educational results for students with disabilities: The State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP). Idaho’s SSIP focuses on improving literacy outcomes of students with disabilities, specifically in grades K-4 through participation in a four-year professional development project called Cultivating Leaders to Grow Young Readers. The goal of the project, called the SiMR (State-Identified Measurable Result) is: “Increase the percent of students with disabilities in cohort districts that demonstrate growth in literacy from 3rd to 4th grade on the state summative assessment, currently ISAT by Smarter Balanced.”

Shannon Dunstan

Idaho SSIP Phase I
Idaho SSIP Phase II
Idaho SSIP Phase III
Be a Reading Hero – Dr. Sharon Vaughn’s Keynote Video
Be a Reading Hero – Dr. Sharon Vaughn’s Myths Video
Be a Reading Hero – Dr. Sharon Vaughn’s Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Video
What Good Coaches Do

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 618 requires that all states report annually on information for students with disabilities receiving special education and related services to the federal level. These data are used as part of monitoring the programs and activities under IDEA. Data reported for all of the categories below is based on data collected from local educational agencies (LEAs) through the Idaho System for Educational Excellence (ISEE). To view publicly reported data related to IDEA Part B please go to the SDE Special Education Public Reporting page.

Alisa Fewkes

Reporting Special Education Data in ISEE
Special Education Important Due Dates
Special Education Students ISEE Quick Guide

To promote data literacy, quality, and data-based decision making within LEAs, the Idaho State department offers an annual training on Special Education data. At the Data Drill Down training, LEAs have the opportunity to bring a team and learn about available resources as well as techniques for analyzing data, conducting root cause analysis, and discussing special education data with SDE personnel and peers.

Data Drill Down 2020-21
Excel Essentials for Education

Annually, each LEA is required to report an unduplicated count of students with disabilities for Special Education Child Count. In Idaho, Child Count is a snapshot of the count of students with disabilities ages 3-21 who are receiving special education and related services as of the first Friday in November. Aggregated data are then reported to the federal level 20 U.S.C. § 1418 § 300. 640-645.

  • Age 5 enrolled in kindergarten through age 21
  • Age 3 – 5 not yet enrolled in kindergarten
Special Education Child Count 2020-2021
Special Education Directors' Webinar (11-6-19)

Annually LEAs are required to submit data on students with disabilities (IDEA) ages 3-21 who received disciplinary action, which removed them from their regular education environment for half a day or more. Categories of disciplinary removal required for IDEA Section 618 federal reporting are as follows:

  1. Out-of-school suspension
  2. Expulsion
  3. In-school suspension
  4. Removal to an Interim Alternative Education Setting
  5. Unilateral Removal by Hearing Officer
The Educators Guide to Student Discipline and Supports

Annually LEAs and the state are required to report on the number of full-time equivalent personnel employed or contracted to provide special education and related services.

Annually LEAs and the state are required to report on the number of students with disabilities (IDEA) ages 14-21 who exited special education. Information reported includes the following type of program exit:

  1. Transferred to regular education
  2. Graduated with regular high school diploma
  3. Completed Adapted Requirements
  4. Reached maximum age
  5. Died
  6. Moved, known to be continuing
  7. Dropped out
Program Exit Code Alignment


Contact Us

Debi smith

Special Populations Coordinator
Idaho State Department of Education
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0027
Phone: 208-332-6915

Lexi Pease

Program Evaluation Coordinator
Phone: 208-332-6925

Alisa Fewkes

Data and Reporting Coordinator
Phone: 208-332-6919

Shannon Dunstan

State Systemic Improvement Plan and Early Childhood Coordinator
Phone: 208-332-6908