Monthly News and Updates from IdahoSTARS


Versión en Español

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IdahoSTARS Resource Specialist, Amanda Mills, reflects on making resolutions, not achieving them, and learning to let go.

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Esta subvención apoya a l@s proveedores que se esfuerzan por cumplir con los estándares de sueño seguro. Los programas interesados en solicitar la subvención deben llamar al 211 y pedir hablar con el o la consultor@ de salud de su región o iniciar sesión en RISE y dar clic en "Solicitar una orientación de la subvención".

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Thanks to all of you who participated in IdahoSTARS’ recent survey, We’re Listening. You told us some great information and inspired ideas about how IdahoSTARS can better serve you.

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Please join us in celebrating Jamie Willis, Director of the YMCA – St. Alphonsus Early Learning Center in Boise. Willis has earned a Steps to Quality, Step 4 rating. In this question-and-answer series with Willis from October 19, 2021, learn more about her experiences becoming recognized as a high-quality child care facility.

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Please join us in celebrating Karissa Thorhaug, Owner and Director of Karissa’s Klubhouse in Saint Maries. Thorhaug has earned a Steps to Quality, Step 4 rating. In this question-and-answer series with Thorhaug from October 11, 2021, learn more about her experiences becoming recognized as a high-quality child care facility:

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Please join us in celebrating Leahann Larson, Owner and Director of Auntie’s Place in Osburn. Larson has earned a Steps to Quality, Step 5 rating. In this question-and-answer series with Larson from October 11, 2021, learn more about her experiences becoming recognized as a high-quality child care facility.

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Mientras que la necesidad primaria de conexiones sociales de un bebé se satisface a través del vínculo y la conexión con los/las cuidadores/as primarios/as. L@s niñ@s pequeñ@s también empiezan a crear relaciones sociales fuera de sus familias interactuando con otros niños de su edad, lo que ayuda a l@s niñ@s a madurar en su capacidad de relacionarse socialmente.

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L@s niñ@s con una mala salud bucodental suelen faltar más a la escuela y recibir calificaciones más bajas que l@s niñ@s con una buena salud bucodental.

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Please join us in celebrating Jacqueline Maurer, Owner and Director of Jax Daycare in Post Falls. Maurer has earned a Steps to Quality, Step 4 rating. In this question-and-answer series with Maurer from October 5, 2021, learn more about her experiences becoming recognized as a high-quality child care facility.

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Please join us in celebrating Bonna Fahey, Owner and Director of Bonna’s All Stars in Chubbuck. Fahey has earned a Steps to Quality, Step 4 rating. In this question-and-answer series with Fahey from October 4, 2021, learn more about her experiences becoming recognized as a high-quality child care facility: