Versión en Español
Mientras que la necesidad primaria de conexiones sociales de un bebé se satisface a través del vínculo y la conexión con los/las cuidadores/as primarios/as. L@s niñ@s pequeñ@s también empiezan a crear relaciones sociales fuera de sus familias interactuando con otros niños de su edad, lo que ayuda a l@s niñ@s a madurar en su capacidad de relacionarse socialmente.
L@s niñ@s con una mala salud bucodental suelen faltar más a la escuela y recibir calificaciones más bajas que l@s niñ@s con una buena salud bucodental.
Please join us in celebrating Jacqueline Maurer, Owner and Director of Jax Daycare in Post Falls. Maurer has earned a Steps to Quality, Step 4 rating. In this question-and-answer series with Maurer from October 5, 2021, learn more about her experiences becoming recognized as a high-quality child care facility.
Please join us in celebrating Bonna Fahey, Owner and Director of Bonna’s All Stars in Chubbuck. Fahey has earned a Steps to Quality, Step 4 rating. In this question-and-answer series with Fahey from October 4, 2021, learn more about her experiences becoming recognized as a high-quality child care facility:
Las Subvenciones de Educación Superior están disponibles en el proyecto IdahoSTARS para el semestre de primavera de 2022.
Learn the importance of children's oral health and how to support it.
We know that children need people who care about them, listen, and that they can turn to for advice and help. Learn about the Protective and Promotive Factors that support children in creating strong social connections!
Please join us in celebrating Michelle Jones, Director of Magic Valley High School Child Care in Twin Falls. Jones has earned a Steps to Quality, Step 4 rating.
Please join us in celebrating Dana Russell, Owner and Director of Bright Stars Child Care in Caldwell. Russell has earned a Steps to Quality, Step 5 rating and showed us that in home facilities can provide the highest in quality child care.
Give yourself and those around you a lot of grace right now. The days are long and we are all exhausted. Be kind and compassionate but remember, “If compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” – Jack Kornfield