The Idaho SESTA Statewide Behavioral Coordinators
provide evidence based professional development for school based personnel on evidenced based practices to support
students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and low incidence disabilities. Students with low incidence
disabilities include students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, physical impairments, and multiple
disabilities, those with blindness, deafness, deaf-blindness, and significant health issues. The professional
development increases capacity to design and implement quality programs and instruction and is provided through
regional and statewide trainings, webinars, and coaching. Coaching supports are provided off-site (phone, email, or
online meetings) or on-site through an agreement made between a school and Idaho SESTA.
How much do you know about Autism?
Every year the Utah Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (URLEND) trainees work collaboratively in
small groups to conduct research and if appropriate produce a product from their research. Dr. Mitchell’s (CDHD)
team in the 2015-16 academic year researched University Faculty and Staff’s understanding and knowledge of autism
spectrum disorder. This group of 5 researchers collected data from five Universities and nearly 1000 participants.
Upon compilation of the data, Dr. Mitchell wrote a script and Shawn Wright (CDHD) created a storyboard presentation
conveying information the URLEND trainees feel is important to disseminate to those working with older adolescents
and college students.