The short BITs videos below each teach a specific accessibility skill and match guidelines in the ITC's Accessibility Quick lists document. Use the buttons below to filter by the type of document you are creating or your operating system. If you can't find what you are looking for you can
Accessible Templates
Word, PPT, PC, MAC
Finding and using templates to get a head start on your accessible document or presentation.
Sizing your type
Word, PPT, PC, MAC
Learn best practices surrounding the size of your type in documents and presentations.
Choosing a Typeface
Word, PPT, PC, MAC
In this video we will look at size and style considerations when choosing typography for your document or presentation.
Headings and Styles in Word
Apply heading styles to create an accessible structure in your word document
Building Lists
Create accessible unordered, ordered and nested lists.
Line Spacing for Accessibility
Word, PPT, PC, MAC
Use the line spacing tool to avoid unnecessary characters that can cause extra wording for those using screen readers.
Alt Text
Add alternate (alt) text to images, tables and charts. Understand when to mark an image decorative and when it needs descriptive text.
Accessible Hyperlinks
Word, PPT, PC, MAC
Incorporate links in a way that flows with your document language and is accessible for screen reader users.
Table Basics
Word, PPT, PC, MAC
Learn what to look out for when making tables so that you end up with the best table possible
Is it a table
Word, PPT, PC, MAC
Does your content really need that table? Learn when to use a table and when to use built in layout tools to get the look you want.
Accessible color contrast
Word, PPT, PC, MAC
Identify and fix color use in your document or presentation
Word accessibility Review
Word, PC, MAC
Use the accessibility review to check your Word document and fix basic errors.
PPT accessibility review
Use the accessibility review to check your PPT presentation and fix basic errors.
Saving as a PDF (Mac)
Word, MAC
Save your file in a way that retains your accessibility work when moving from Word to PDF on a Mac.
Saving as a PDF (PC)
Word, PC
Save your file in a way that retains your accessibility work when moving from Word to PDF in Windows.
PDF Accessibility Review
Use the accessibility review to check your PDF and fix basic errors.