
Secondary transition services prepare students to successfully move from the world of school to the world of adulthood. Starting by at least age 16, each student’s interests and strengths are assessed and arranged into a Transition Plan where emphasis is placed on exploratory activities and goal accomplishment in the areas of post-secondary education, employment and independence.

What's New?

Iris Center: Secondary Transition: Helping Students with Disabilities Plan for Postsecondary Settings
The Secondary Transition: Helping Students with Disabilities Plan for Postsecondary Settings module focuses on helping students with disabilities successfully transition from high school to postsecondary settings. Among other topics, it discusses the various components of transition planning and the importance of engaging students in this process.

Transition in Practice
The focus at Transition in Practice is to empower Special Education professionals with the knowledge, strategies, and tools necessary to enhance transition-related instruction, services, and supports. They are committed to evidence-based and ethically informed practices that address the unique needs of transition-aged youth. Transition in Practice will professionals with high-quality resources that will create pathways for meaningful and successful transitions for all students. View the first issue here (read the article written by some of our amazing Idaho Special Education professionals!). Note You will need to create an account to access the articles.

Getting and Keeping Your First Job: Idaho Parents Unlimited Self-Guided Modules For Youth
“Empower Your Future: Start Strong Stay Strong!” Ready to take the first step toward employment success? Our Getting and Keeping Your First Job self-guided module is designed to help youth with disabilities build the skills they need to land that first job and keep it! Learn essential tips for job hunting, navigating interviews, workplace communication, and maintaining employment. Empower yourself with tools and confidence to make your mark in the world of work. Register now for Getting and Keeping Your First Job.

Transition TN: Assessment Database
More than 100 assessments, searchable by the transition domains they address, the areas in which they focus, the approaches they use, the disabilities for which they were designed, the languages in which they are available, the persons who complete them, and the cost. Visit the Transition Tennessee website for more information. Note You will need to create an account to access the database.

Instructional Technology: What Teachers Need to Know
This course focuses on instructional technology. It is part of a series covering instructional practices. These practices were identified through an extensive, systematic meta-analysis of the high-leverage practices for students with disabilities. Visit the Progress Center to learn more.

Requesting Reasonable Accommodations in Employment
This decision support aid will guide you through the process of requesting a reasonable accommodation when applying, interviewing, or continuing in employment. This aid helps you make the decision: When and how should I request a reasonable accommodation in employment?

Expect, Engage, and Empower: Successful Transitions for All!
The US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs initiative provides information and resources to help prepare students with disabilities in their transition to adulthood.

Moving On Binder and support documents
Moving On Binder (Updated June 2023)
Planning for Graduation (Updated June 2023)
Idaho Graduation Timeline and Transition Planning Activities (Updated June 2023)
IEP Team Grad Guide and Transition Planning Tool (Updated June 2023)
Transition Timeline: A Yearly Guide for Teaching Transition Skills
Planning for Graduation SPANISH
Idaho Graduation Timeline and Transition Planning Activities SPANISH


Beginning by at least age 16 the Transition Plan becomes a part of the IEP annual review process as a new “section” of the IEP. Student interests and strengths identified in the Transition Plan must in some way be incorporated into the rest of the annual IEP—specifically all annual goals in the IEP must support post-secondary goals and outcomes—and these same goals and outcomes should be considered by the IEP team when making service and LRE determinations.

Transition assessment and planning is done on an ongoing basis (at least annually) to identify and support the student’s needs for both current and post-secondary goals and activities which will be documented in the IEP.

Secondary transition planning is the process of preparing students for life after high school and includes planning for post-secondary education or training, employment, and independent living. Studies show that a large number of students receiving special education services do not pursue education or training beyond high school and, when compared to the general population, are not as successful in the workplace. Transition planning and corresponding programming helps to close this gap. Moreover, transition planning is required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

IDEA Part 300.321 states that a child with a disability should participate as a member of the IEP team whenever appropriate. Additionally, this same part requires documentation that a transition age student (age 16-21) has been invited to any meeting where post-secondary goals and transition services are discussed. It does not require the student to attend the meeting, but when they are not present schools must take steps to consider the student’s preferences and interests.

While not required, it is ideal for transition age students to actively participate in their special education meetings and where appropriate influence the development of the IEP. From an early age schools should provide self-advocacy instruction and support that promotes a student’s understanding of their disability, strengths/needs, and IEP process so that they can better advocate for themselves and maximize independence.


Secondary Special Ed Webinar Series 2020-21 This monthly webinar series on various Secondary Special Education topics provides new information & resources as well as addresses topics, needs, & frequently asked questions from teachers across Idaho who are working with students on transition planning.

#1 - Vocational Rehabilitation - November 9, 2020 - View Recording
#2 - Transition Curriculum & Resources - December 15, 2020 - View Recording
#3 - Transition Assessments, Goals, & Activities - January 14, 2021 - View Recording
#4 - Transition Services and Work Experience - February 18, 2021 - View Recording
#5 - Person Centered Planning - March 16, 2021 - View Recording
#6 - Program Exit/Graduation & SOP - April 20, 2021 - View Recording

Students Transitioning to Adult Life: Navigating Resources (April 21, 2022) In this one-hour live webinar, Idaho Parents Unlimited and the Idaho State Department of Education partner to share information and resources for students with disabilities, their families, and secondary school staff to assist in preparation for transitioning from school to adult services. View Recording of the Students Transitioning to Adult Life webinar.

Indicator 14 Post School Data Collection Survey (April 27, 2022) This webinar will provide information and resources for Idaho LEAs to collect survey information from their former 2021 SPED student exiters (graduation, age-out, drop-out). View Recording of the Indicator 14 Post School Data Collection Survey webinar.

Secondary Transition Planning and Next Steps Idaho (May 24, 2022) Staff from the College and Career Access department of the Idaho State Board of Education will walk participants through the Next Steps Idaho website sharing useful resources and tools. View Recording of Secondary Transition Planning and Next Steps Idaho.

Secondary Special Ed Webinar: Updated Transition and Graduation Resources - February 3, 2022

Accuplacer Proctor Training - January 24, 2022

2021 Idaho Transition Institute
Session recordings and materials presented at the November 3 and 4 Institute are located on this Idaho Transition Padlet.

Secondary Special Ed Webinar Series 2022-23 This monthly webinar series on various Secondary Special Education topics provides new information & resources as well as addresses topics, needs, & frequently asked questions from teachers across Idaho who are working with students on transition planning.

#1 – Updated Graduation Requirements/Resources – September 27, 2022 - View Recording
#2 – Secondary Transition Open House/Office Hours – November 15, 2022 - No recording
#3 – Secondary Transition Webinar – December 13, 2022 - View Recording
#4 – Secondary Transition Open House/Office Hours – May 9, 2023 -  - No Recording


Think Higher. Think College.
The ABLE Youth Transition Toolkit
Transition Training Modules for Teachers
Age Appropriate Assessments by Disability Type
Student Led IEP's
Self-Determination IEP Instruction
Job and Skill Example Videos
Vocational Rehabilitation: How to Receive Services (Information for Students and Parents)
Next Steps Idaho
Participation of Students with Disabilities in Driver Education Programs
Supporting Student-Led Transition Planning for Students with Emotional Disturbance
Partnering with Community Agencies in Transition Planning for Students with Emotional Disturbance)
Incorporating Career and Technical Education in Transition Planning for Students with Emotional Disturbance
The Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission Education
The ARC Virtual Program Library
Kids Health in the Classroom
Workforce Atlas
Workforce GPS
Progress Center
Iris Center: Universal Design for Learning Module
Do the Math. Save a Life.

Classroom Behavior Management Training Module for Secondary Teachers - Developed specifically with middle and high school teachers in mind (e.g., 6th-12th grade), this module reviews the major components of a classroom behavior management plan (including rules, procedures, and consequences) and guides users through the steps of creating their own classroom behavior management plan (est. completion time: 2 hours).

Reality Town - is a fun, hands-on curriculum that culminates in a two hour simulation event run by your school personnel, during which time students take on a career, salary, spouse, or lack thereof, children and the financial obligations of a 30 year old adult. The Reality Town program is a great motivator and eye-opening experience, as students learn many financial and life concepts. LEA’s can borrow the Kit and site license from Idaho SESTA at no charge. The kit comes with everything the LEA will need to host their event for up to 200 students. For more information and to borrow the kit, please contact Idaho SESTA.

K12 Behavioral Health in the Classroom is a free Professional Development opportunity for educators, school nurses, and other support personnel.

Search Secondary Transition Resources

Contact Us

Randi cole

Secondary Special Education Coordinator
Phone: 208-332-6918


sde Idaho State Department of Education
650 W. State Street
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0027